Double Glazing: Repair Or Replace?

Double Glazing: Repair Or Replace?

Double Glazing: Repair Or Replace?

Like all household installations, double glazing can develop faults over time. UPVC windows are durable, but they don’t last forever. Eventually, they’ll start getting issues that need addressing, or they’ll turn into more significant problems. When that happens, you’ll have to decide: do you repair or replace your double glazing?

Here At Ecostar, we’ve got a lot of experience working with windows, and we’ve picked up a thing or two. Here are the telltale signs to look out for and how to choose whether you should repair or replace damaged windows. 

double glazing

The Warning Signs

It isn’t always obvious if your double-glazed windows are underperforming. Unless you’re taking regular heat transfer readings, you may not notice a difference, but there are a few warning signs to keep in mind. 

First, do you feel a draught when next to your windows? If your windows are fully closed but you still notice a breeze, no matter how faint, one of the seals might have worn down. Watch out for small puddles of water forming on the windowsill or damp patches appearing on the surrounding walls too. 

Increased condensation is another giveaway. Don’t panic if you get it occasionally; it’s impossible to eliminate condensation completely, but if you start noticing it every day, it could be another sign of the seal breaking. And if you see moisture forming between the glass panes, contact a maintenance specialist as soon as possible. 

The last point is the most obvious, but watch out for any chips or cracks in the glass. You’d be surprised how many people ignore cracked glass until it’s too late and wind up with an expensive repair bill. Cracked glass will lose heat quicker, and it’s also an advert to any opportunistic burglars in your area. It’s a signal that your windows are compromised, and they’ll be able to break in quickly, so don’t put off getting them sorted. 

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Repairing Or Replacing Double Glazing

Once you’ve noticed that your windows are damaged, how do you choose whether to repair or replace them? It mainly depends on how old the windows are and how much you’re willing to spend. 

If your windows are relatively new, and the damage is minor, repairing them is likely the best choice. An experienced expert should be able to fix your double glazing with minimal fuss and at a reasonable price. Generally speaking, if your windows are less than five years old and are largely intact, we’d recommend repairing them. 

On the other hand, we strongly suggest replacing older or badly damaged windows. It might seem cheaper to repair them, but it’ll only delay a full replacement for a short time. Older windows aren’t as thermally efficient or durable as modern ones, so replacing them will dramatically improve their performance. The reduced heating bills will make the extra work worthwhile.

If you’ve noticed any issues with your double glazing recently, you’ve come to the right place. We can help with any repairs or replacements, so why not get in touch today? You can contact us and speak with one of our expert advisers or request a free, no-obligation online quote.

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