Our pledge to help others by supporting local charities

Ecostar's Charity Initiative

Our running total for donations is...


Backpack bed for homeless
Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia
Backpacks 4 VIC Kids

Our Commitment To Change

Here at Ecostar, we’re continuing our commitment to helping people in our local areas – and this is about more than home improvements. While double glazing is a great way to improve the performance of your property, helping you to feel more secure and save on your energy bills, we know there’s far more we can do to help.

That’s why we’re partnering with local charities and other worthy organisations to make even more of a difference in people’s lives, improving their wellbeing and quality of life, and just generally helping to make people happy. That’s all that really matters after all, right?

If you would like to find out more information about our charity drive and how you can do even more to help make a change, we welcome you to contact our friendly team for more information. Raising awareness will help us hugely, and we’re grateful for every single person who gets behind this and helps us to help others.

This Month's Featured Charity

Helping Animals in Need with Animal Aid

This March, Ecostar is proud to support Animal Aid, a dedicated animal welfare organization based in Coldstream. To help their vital work continue, we are donating $150 from every sale made this month to support their mission of rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming animals in need.

Animal Aid provides shelter, medical care, and a second chance for lost, abandoned, and surrendered pets. Their work ensures that every animal gets the love and support they deserve while they wait for their forever home.

By partnering with Animal Aid, we’re helping to create brighter futures for animals in need. Thank you for joining us in making a difference—one paw at a time!

You can find them on Facebook and Instagram to learn more about them.

Our Giving Tree Donation for Over 120 Children

Spreading Joy

At Ecostar Double Glazing, we believe in giving back to the community, and this past November, we had the privilege of supporting Empower Australia’s Giving Tree Initiative. Thanks to our incredible customers, we raised enough funds to donate gifts to over 120 children, helping to bring smiles to their faces this holiday season.

Hand-Picking the Perfect Gifts

Rather than simply making a financial donation, we wanted to make the experience as special as possible. So, we took a trip to a Toy World in Knox city where the friendly staff helps us to personally hand-pick every single toy that would be gifted to the children. It was a fantastic experience – the team had so much fun selecting a variety of toys, from cuddly plush animals to exciting games and creative activity sets.

Walking through the aisles, we imagined the joy each gift would bring, making sure there was something for kids of all ages. Seeing the collection of toys grow with each selection was incredibly rewarding, knowing they would soon be in the hands of children who might not have otherwise received a gift this holiday season.

Making an Impact Together

Being able to support Empower Australia in their mission to provide for families in need has been an honour. Their Giving Tree Initiative ensures that children who might have gone without presents during the holidays receive something special, spreading joy and hope.

This donation wouldn’t have been possible without our amazing customers. For every sale in November, we donated $150 to the Giving Tree Initiative, and it all added up to something truly meaningful.

Thank You for Your Support

From all of us at Ecostar Double Glazing, thank you to everyone who made this possible. Your support has helped make a real difference in the lives of so many children. We’re proud to continue our commitment to giving back to the community and look forward to making an even bigger impact in the future.

Here’s to spreading joy, one gift at a time!

Just some of the amazing people we have helped, together

Making A Real Difference

Over the past few months, we’ve been donating to a number of incredibly important and worthwhile charities across the local area, helping to make a real difference to those we’ve partnered with.

This is just another reason why you should choose Ecostar – with our commitment to the local community, and our history and the story of us as a company, you know you can count on us.

We recently had the privilege of visiting Back 2 Basics Melbourne, Empower Australia, Sweet Paws Dog Rescue and Wildlife Victoria to see how their operations work and present them with a giant cheque!

Prostate Cancer Foundation Australia’s CEO, Anne Savage, spoke to us about what they’re doing to help men across the country – and what you can do to support this worthy charity.

Can you tell us a bit about the Prostate Cancer Foundation Australia’s mission?

PCFA’s mission is to reduce the burden of prostate cancer for all Australians, mobilising the community to drive research, prevention and early detection, improved treatments, and psychosocial care. Our vision is a future where no man dies of prostate cancer and Australian men and their families get the support they need.

Can you tell us about some of the fundraising initiatives or campaigns the foundation is involved in?

PCFA runs three signature campaigns throughout the year including Walk for Him during Men’s Health Week in June, Dry July, and The Long Run which is held in September during Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

In addition to our signature campaigns, our A-Team fundraisers host a wide number of community events each year, registering at fundraise.pcfa.org.au/. PCFA is also grateful to have the support of many thousands of individual donors who donate to our work by post or online via pcfa.org.au/donate.

How can individuals or businesses support the foundation’s work?

People can donate online via pcfa.org.au/donate or phone our team today on 1800 22 00 99 to find out more about campaigns and events in their local area. People can register to make a difference by hosting their own fundraiser at fundraise.pcfa.org.au. We are also incredibly humbled by the many Australians who choose to leave a gift to PCFA in their Will.

About the Foundation’s Mission and Vision

The Big Umbrella Foundation

We spoke to The Big Umbrella Foundation to understand more about their mission and successes.

Can you share The Big Umbrella Foundation’s mission and how it’s working to address social inequality?

The Big Umbrella Foundation takes rescued food to create restaurant quality to freely offer to people at Federation Square who are experiencing food insecurity. We do so in our pop up family style restaurant where people dine with dignity and create a safe and inclusive community

What role do volunteers play in The Big Umbrella Foundation’s day-to-day operations?

For 13 of our 15 years in operation TBU was 100% volunteer run and now only has 3 part time employees so the volunteer community is core to all that we do. We have a diverse volunteer community, people as young as 10 for our school holiday program up to our 94 year old horticulturalist who volunteers in our urban farm. We have volunteers of all abilities and backgrounds as we provide a safe and inclusive environment for people to be able to connect and offer their time, skills and heart to care for our friends on the street.

How can people get involved in supporting or volunteering with the foundation?

Please visit our website for more information about volunteering opportunities and email us on volunteering@thebigumbrella.org


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